Live you life from a place of greater intention and purpose.

It’s extra challenging when you’re navigating relationships, your career, life transitions, grief, or the task of caring for others. Where do you fit? And how can your life still possibly be yours?

Do you crave deeper connections with yourself, your purpose, and others? Do you long to feel more at peace and in the flow with your life? Do you want to feel more comfort and ease in the moment, no matter the circumstances? 

That is not only possible but within your reach! Your life can work with you—who you really are—far better than it does now. You can design your life in a way that works FOR you, not against you, so that you can go in the directions that are for your most authentic self—not a made-up or watered-down version. You can feel like life is yours to navigate again.

How do I know this? Because I’ve been right there with you. I see you. I recognize you—who you are and where you are. And I’m here to share that there are other ways. Better ways. I help people stay true to themselves during tough times, without getting lost along the way. I bring the people I work with together with their most valuable parts and dreams so that their next steps can become reality.

After nearly twenty years of working with clients, I have gained the experience to navigate the ups and downs with you—calmly, clearly, and with supportive guidance. I work with people through individually tailored online and in-person Coaching sessions, Noetic Field Therapy sessions, and Retreats help you progress in the areas of your life that are most important to you.

Book your free 30-min. consult today.


Book a free 30-minute consultation,